A general purpose anode which can be
welded or bolted on.(spacing is 8", the same
as the 9lb bar) Similar in shape to ZD77
Size of body 164 x 88 x 44mm
Overall length 230mm, Mounting 190-205mm zinc 2.4Kg. (5.4lb)
Order code ZT1-S . . . . . Price £20.96
Aluminium version ZT1A
Wt.2.2lb - 1Kg. . . . . . . . Price £11.22
Magnesium version Wt. 790g (580g net)
Size of Mg. body 155 x 88 x 50mm
Weld on but can be drilled at 8" centres
Order code ZT1M . . . . . .Price £15.84Z
Pads B-HT . . £1.25